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The Society for International Affairs, Inc. (SIA), is a volunteer, non-profit, educational organization that was jointly formed in 1967 by US Government and Industry.
SIA provides a forum for the exchange of information related to export and import licensing. SIA interests cover the entire spectrum of licensing issues pertaining to the Departments of Commerce, Defense, State and Treasury.
Membership is comprised of over 2,000 professionals consisting of industry, U.S. government, and embassies.
Membership for U.S. government employees is free of charge and will allow you to receive notices about SIA events and industry news.
SIA's mission is to educate the international trade community by providing a forum for the exchange of information on the export and import process.


BECOME AN SIA ENHANCED MEMBER In addition to current member benefits, enhanced members will have direct access to all of SIA's most up-to-date web-based digital handbooks to include: Compliance Insiders: Toolkit for Internal Compliance; Customs Border Protection Guidelines Handbook; Exemptions Handbook; Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures Handbook; Voluntary Disclosure Handbook; To Be Published - EAR Exceptions Handbook

With this new membership level, you can renew your membership for $100 to have access to this enhanced feature.  

Click here to see a SAMPLE HANDBOOK       




Education and Professional Development

    • Conferences By being a member of SIA, you will receive the membership discounted rate to attend SIA’s conferences, workshops and luncheons, where you will learn about the latest regulatory updates in trade controls and compliance, be able to interact with colleagues and others in industry, as well as interface with government participants.
    • Free events: As a member of SIA, you are able to attend various SIA events throughout the year for free, such as virtual teleconferences with U.S. Government participants discussing the latest trade controls, compliance and operational matters.
    • Certification:  Attendance at SIA conferences may enhance your career and learning requirements by qualifying for continuing education credits, depending upon the jurisdiction and jurisdiction-specific requirements.
    • Leadership Opportunities Volunteering for SIA extends leadership opportunities in the Trade Controls and Compliance network, SIA Board, and provides an opportunity to give back to the trade community in a meaningful way. All volunteers with SIA must be a member in good standing.
    • Networking:  Members can engage in discussion with other members on various interests, topics, issues, and trends through SIA membership related events, as well as develop professional and personal relationship with fellow members, industry and government participants.
    • Newsletters:  Members receive a quarterly newsletter that updates them on upcoming conferences, workshops and other SIA events, as well as recent trade compliance related updates.
    • Scholarships:  SIA is committed to growing and educating the trade community. One way it does this is through our annual scholarship that is awarded to undergraduate and graduate students interested in a career international trade compliance.  As members, mentorship opportunities are welcomed here.


    Tom Donovan
    Northrop Grumman Board President

    Dave Allman,
    K&L Gates LLP Board Vice President

    Joshua Richter
    Leonardo DRS, Inc. | Board Secretary/Treasurer 

    Candace Goforth
    Content  Enablers Planning & Education

    Katherine Heubert
    Hewlett Packard Enterprise Planning & Education

    Samantha Johnson
    ispace Technologies, U.S. Planning & Education

    Jen Martin
    Metrea Planning & Education

    Julia Mason
    Peraton Planning & Education

    Tamara Overton
    Lockheed Martin Corporation Planning & Education

    The Bureau's paramount concern is the security of the United States.  To advance U.S. national security, foreign policy, and economic objectives by ensuring an effective export control and treaty compliance system and promoting continued U.S. strategic technology leadership.


    As DoD's focal point on international transfers of export-controlled technology and sharing of classified military information, DTSA establishes guidelines and assists DoD components in complying with applicable U.S. laws and regulations and DoD policies.


    The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) ensures commercial exports of defense articles and defense services advance U.S. national security and foreign policy objectives.


    Advisors in export compliance and licensing

    Society for International Affairs
    PO Box 127, Garrisonville, VA  22463
    Phone:  703-946-5683 |

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