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The Society for International Affairs, Inc. (SIA), is a volunteer, non-profit, educational organization that was jointly formed in 1967 by US Government and Industry. SIA provides a forum for the exchange of information related to export and import licensing. SIA interests cover the entire spectrum of licensing issues pertaining to the Departments of Commerce, Defense, State and Treasury.

SIA Mission

To educate the international trade community by providing a forum for the exchange of information on the export and import process.

SIA Member & Attendee Code of Conduct 

Membership in SIA and attendance at SIA functions is subject to the observance of SIA’s Code of Conduct.  Any member or attendee who violates this Code is subject to expulsion from membership and may be excluded from future SIA events.   The meetings and functions of SIA are designed to facilitate the free exchange of ideas and information.  Information from these sessions is not for attribution or publication. Recording devices may not be used. SIA members and attendees are expected to uphold the highest standards of personal conduct at all SIA functions.  Members and/or attendees shall not solicit business or otherwise seek any private or personal financial gain in attending or participating in any SIA meeting or function; including the distribution of material not approved in advance by the SIA Board.  Membership/event attendee lists shall not be used or sold for any commercial or promotional purpose. 

Society for International Affairs
PO Box 127, Garrisonville, VA  22463
Phone:  703-946-5683 |

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