2024 Summer Back to Basics Conference
AGENDA - 6/20/2024 Day One 7:15 | Registration & Breakfast 8:15 | Opening Remarks Tom Donovan, SIA Board President, Northrop Grumman 8:30 | Overview of Export Control Regimes & Regulations Panel Tom Donovan, SIA Board President, Northrop Grumman This Panel will provide a basic overview of U.S. Export Control Regimes and Regulations. Attendees will be introduced to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). The panel will discuss the various government agencies that oversee the regulations. General concepts on jurisdiction determination and 600 series will be introduced. Key definitions found in the regulations will be discussed to include defense articles, export, release, U.S. person, technical data and technology. Introduction of scenario used throughout the sessions. 10:15 | Break 10:30 | Submission Tools Lisa Williams, Outreach and Educational Services, Bureau of Industry and Security This Panel will provide guidance on the two U.S. government submission tools – DECCS for ITAR submissions and SNAP-R for EAR submissions. For DECCS, the panel will discuss registration submissions, licensing submissions and user management. Similarly, for SNAP-R, the panel will discuss obtaining Company Identification Numbers (CIN), administrator management and submission options. 11:30 | DDTC Registration Travis Bryant, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls The panel will provide an overview of the registration requirements and process under the ITAR. There will also be discussion on registration management. 12:00 | Lunch 1:00 | Commodity Jurisdiction and Classification Panel Candace Goforth, SIA Board Treasurer/Secretary, Content Enablers Before you can export, you must determine which regulation (ITAR or EAR) applies to the product or technology. Determination of the “jurisdiction” is the first critical step. Next you must determine the applicable export “classification” – either U.S. Munitions List (USML) category or Export Control Classification Number (ECCN). This panel will address the process to make a self-determination on jurisdiction and classification. It will address the “specially designed” analysis. The process to submit and obtain a Commodity Jurisdiction determination will be covered to support companies that cannot make a self-determination. Hands-on experience will be gained by walking through the commodity jurisdiction and export classification process of aerospace and defense systems/products. This will require participants to access the ITAR and EAR to analyze products against provided criteria and make a jurisdiction and classification determination. Experts will be available to help guide you through. 2:45 | Break 3:00 | Commodity Jurisdiction and Classification Panel (continued) 5:00 | Conference Adjourn 5:15 | Reception Day Two 7:15 | Breakfast 8:00 | Opening Remarks Katie Donaldson, GE Aerospace 8:05 | ITAR Licensing Panel Tamara Overton, SIA Board Member, Lockheed Martin Corporation This Panel will provide a roadmap for the complex ITAR licensing process and help you identify what type of license is needed for a particular transaction. This panel will address DSP-5, DSP-73, DSP-61, DSP-85, and all supporting amendments. Attendees will learn the types of supporting documentation required to submit with each license type. Advice and tips will be provided on what the U.S. government regulator is looking for in an application. Guidance on how to submit a license to the government and how to track a case will be discussed. 9:45 | Break 10:00 | ITAR Licensing Panel (continued) 11:00 | ITAR Exemptions Panel Dave Allman, SIA Board Vice President, K&L Gates LLP The ITAR also provides “Exemptions” from the requirement for an export license. This presentation will help you identify the various exemptions available, and when and how to use them. Exemptions will cover the exportation of defense articles, technical data and the provision of defense services and will cover ITAR sections 123, 124, 125 and 126. The panel will also map out EAR Licensing requirements and highlight supporting documentation required for certain types of license submissions, as well as No License Required exports. 12:30 | Lunch 1:30 | EAR Licensing and Exceptions Panel (Continued) Josh Richter, SIA Board Member, Leonardo DRS, Inc. This panel will provide a general overview of EAR Licensing requirements and EAR Exceptions that may be used in lieu of an export license. It will cover the structure of the Commerce Control List (CCL), reading Export Classification Control Numbers (ECCN), and understanding the 10 General Prohibitions. This will also highlight supporting documentation required for certain types of license submissions, as well as No License Required exports. 3:00 | Break 3:15 | EAR Licensing and Exceptions Panel (Continued) 5:00 – 6:00 | Meet the Speakers (Roundtable discussions/open Q&A) This provides attendees with the opportunity to meet the speakers to obtain answers to specific questions that they may not want to address in the larger forum. Day Three 7:30 | Continental Breakfast 8:00 | Opening Remarks Katie Donaldson, GE Aerospace 8:05 | ITAR Agreements–Overview, Preparation and Best Practices Katherine Heubert, Hewlett Packard Enterprise This Panel will explain Technical Assistance Agreements (TAA), Manufacturing Licensing Agreements (MLA), and Warehouse and Distribution Agreements (WDA) – when you need them, how to prepare, and helpful best practices to ensure success. Key areas will include the preparation of the transmittal letter and agreement, managing provisos, congressional notification, and general maintenance of an agreement. In addition, this panel will address the submission of licenses in furtherance of agreements. 10:00 | Break 10:15 | ITAR Agreements–Overview, Preparation and Best Practices (continued) 11:30 | DTSA Review Panel Audra Collins, Defense Technology Security Administration The Defense Technology Security Administration (DTSA) will explain their critical role in the export license review and approval process. DTSA reviewers include both technical and policy experts. This panel will explain what information is necessary on your license submittals to obtain success. 12:00 | Lunch 1:00 | Got your license… now what? Marc Binder, SIA Board Advisor, International Trade Compliance Strategies This panel will address the Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR) and the various regulatory steps required when shipping tangible items. Specifically, the attendees will learn about the destination control statements of the ITAR and EAR and how to manage export shipments. The panel will cover the Automated Export System (AES) and how best to deal with U.S. Customs. 2:45 | Break 3:00 | Trade Compliance Program/Disclosures and Enforcement Jennifer K. Weinel, SIA Board Advisor, Northrop Grumman Corporation This Panel will focus on Trade Compliance Programs and what your company needs to do to implement an effective one, to include monitoring and identification of violations and an overview of the Voluntary Disclosure process. Attendees will learn about key elements of a Compliance Program to include Management Commitment, recordkeeping, policies, procedures, training, and monitoring. The panel will address the synergies between complying with the ITAR and the EAR. 5:00 | Conference Adjourns | SUMMER 2024
SIA Board Liaisons: Sam Johnson, Supernal Aero Conference Director: Katie Donaldson, GE Aerospace Hotel Chair: Debbie Shaffer, L3 Harris Speaker Chair: Carie Cartwright, KL Gates Pubs Chair: Julie Grisé, Sandvik AV Chair: Rachel Hess, Fluet Law
SIA Business Office: Donna Dietz & Pati Colon |